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Prison authorities deploy forces to stop Ayii Duang from constructing structures

Author: Obaj Okuj | Published: Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Ayii Duang Ayii, former chairperson of the Business Community - Courtesy

The National Prison Service has deployed its forces at the South Sudan Hotel in Juba town to stop businessman Ayii Duang from constructing additional structures on the properties.

Major General Redento Tongun Victorio, the Prison’s Spokesperson, said Ayii Duang is constructing a building on land belonging to the institution.

The disputed land currently accommodates a hospital and a hotel owned by Ayii Duang.

Gen. Tangun said they only allowed the hotel and the clinic to operate until a dispute over a land deal is resolved.

“The leadership of the Prison Service has taken their forces just to stop the work there at the northern side. But at the side of the hospital, the leadership says led it work because that one is accommodating sick people and doctors who are working there,” he confirmed to Eye Radio.

Last year, the Juba High Court issued an order requiring Ayii Duang to vacate the premises and directing the return of the disputed land to the National Prisons Service.

The National Prisons Service clarified that a court ruling mandated the return of the land to the prisons, following the completion of the lease period to the businessman.

However, Major General Redento revealed an unexpected turn in the judicial proceedings, with the judiciary opting to review the final court decision.

But despite the pending review, Ayii Duang proceeded with construction activities on the disputed land, prompting the National Prison Service to deploy forces to reclaim the property.

“The eviction letter was issued it is only the execution, and when the implementation is about to be carried out there was something called review, I don’t whether in the law there’s something meant a review of the verdict.”

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