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Futuyo suspends Mvolo commissioner over ‘frequent travels’

Author: Michael Daniel | Published: Sunday, May 26, 2024

Alfred Futuyo Karaba, Governor Western Equatoria state. (Courtesy).

The governor of Western Equatoria State has issued an order suspending Mvolo County Commissioner John Komo Dee and ordered Executive Director John Abdallah to act in his place.

Governor Alfred Futuyo Karaba said in the order dated 17th May 2024, that one of the reasons for suspending Komo was due to his alleged frequent travels and abandoning his administrative jurisdiction without notifying the state authorities.

Futuyo also cited lack of proper administration, which failed to meet the government’s expected policy of running the county effectively, as well as lack of cooperation with local communities.

The governor further clarified that the suspension will be in effect until further notice.

In the meantime, John Abdallah, the County Executive Director, has been appointed as the caretaker commissioner.

When contacted, the suspended Commissioner of Mvolo, John Komo Dee, said he has not been officially served with the suspension letter, and added that Governor Futuyo does not have the power to suspend him.

“I have not seen the suspension letter yet, and I believe the governor has no right to suspend me without a valid reason,” he said.

Komo Dee denied the charges against him and claimed that he is “the best commissioner” in the state.

“I consider myself the best commissioner among the commissioners in Western Equatoria State, particularly regarding security situations and developmental issues in my county.”

“I am confident that I have done nothing wrong. What I will do is to look for the suspension letter.”







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