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Some parties unable to pay $50,000 registration fee: Zakayo

Authors: Nyathong William | Lasuba Memo | Published: March 22, 2024

Eng. James Akol, the Chairperson of the Political Parties’ Council during Dawn show on Tuesday Dec. 19, 2023 - Moses Awan/Eye Radio

The head of Political Parties Council (PPC) said some parties are unable to meet registration requirements including the 50,000 US dollar registration fee.

Eng. James Akol Zakayo was answering a question on concerns about the registration process of political parties, during a panel discussion organized by civil society organizations.

One of the concerns raised was about the 50,000 US-dollar fee required for any party to be registered.

The registration fee, according to Zakayo, was benchmarked from Ghana – one of Africa’s best democracies.

However, he said some minor political parties are struggling to raise the fee.

He said a political party with 500 members, as required by law, should be able to raise the amount, with each member contributing at least 100 US dollars.

“It is said that you must have 500 members from two third of ten states in all the administration areas, and each member of the party paid an equivalent of 100 dollar from 500 people what is the minimum, it’s mean 50,000,” he pointed out.

“So, if you are a political party that has members, you will not have problem paying 50,000.”

“But if you are a political party that comprise of 3,5,4 and you don’t have resources, you will not be able to make it, and that’s why I was saying that some parties are finding it difficult to meet the requirement.”

According to the requirements, the applying party must produce a copy of the constitution, states a request for registration of parties, proposed party logo and emblem or the party colors.

Others are a signed resolution of the first meeting of the founding members, policies, plans and manifesto, an undertaking to be bound by the Constitution and the Act signed by authorized official of the party.

Additional requirements are a Banker Deposit Slip with depositor being the applicant and stating the purpose as Provisional Registration Fee 50,000 US dollar or its equivalent in South Sudan Pounds.

A political party that has been provisionally registered shall no later than one Hundred and Eighty Days from the date of the provisional registration apply to the Council for full registration.

The political Party shall provide a list of officials of the party authorized to sign on all the party documents on behalf of the party.

The Political Party shall provide a list of members of the governing body and accompanied by proof that.


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