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Nimule church was robbed six times this year – cleric

Author: Chany Ninrew | Published: June 12, 2023

St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Nimule of Eastern Equatoria State. | Photo: Sebit Patrick

An incident in which armed robbers broke into a Catholic parish in Nimule town on Saturday and looted valuables including three bottles of Altar wine, generated debate but there could be more to the story.

A cleric reported that the gunmen looted several offices, making away with some gadgets and an equivalent of $700 in church money.

Father Modi Darious Vincent – whose residence was also robbed, said the burglars broke into the house of worship on June 10.

Meanwhile, St. Francis Assisi Parish Priest, Father Lazarus Elia Wani said they actually recorded almost six theft cases targeting the church this year.

He said although the police has been informed, it has not managed to arrest a culprit yet.

“The incident is not the first of its kind it keeps on repeating, repeating. If I can recall, this is like the sixth time now,” he told Eye Radio.

“They keep on coming and stealing and going. We give information to the police and security nothing is happening there.”

He adds: “Their (thiefs) whereabouts is difficult to get.”

What is Altar wine –

The Altar wine, sometimes known as Sacramental wine, Communion wine or wine for the consecration is wine obtained from grapes and intended for use in celebration of the Eucharist (also referred to as the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion).

It is usually consumed after sacramental bread.

Wine was used in the earliest celebrations of the Lord’s Supper.

In the Early Church, both clergy and laity received the consecrated wine by drinking from the chalice, after receiving a portion of the consecrated bread.

In the Anglican Communion (of which the Church of England and the Episcopal Church of the United States of America are members), the use of wine is obligatory in the celebration of Holy Communion.

However, a person receiving communion makes a valid communion even if they receive only in one kind (i.e., either just the bread or just the wine).

For example, a sick person who can only take liquids makes a valid communion by receiving the wine.





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