1st June 2024
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Cabinet passes Examination Council Act 2011 Amendment Bill 2023

Author: | Published: 10 hours ago

The National Cabinet on Friday passed the National Examination Council Act 2011 Amendment Bill 2023, a law establishing an independent...

Author: | Published: 12 hours ago

Death toll rises to 8 in Upper Nile violence

Author: | Published: 13 hours ago

Cabinet passes amended youth development policy

Published: Friday, May 31, 2024

Cleric condemns renewed violence in Upper Nile

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Chief rescues 16 teenagers from forced marriages in EES

At least 16 teenagers were rescued from forced marriages in Eastern Equatoria state in 2021, a paramount chief representing the state has...

Kiir, Machar to decide whether NSS can arrest with or without a warrant

The First Vice President has said he and his boss will soon address the concern of whether the national security service should arrest...

Motorists express satisfaction with re-opening of Juba Bridge outbound lane

Motorists have expressed happiness after the reopening of the outbound lane of the Juba-Bridge on Thursday. (more…)

Lopuke apologizes to gov’t over ‘exam leak’ remarks

The former undersecretary of the ministry of general education has apologized to the government institution for his comment on the exam...

Komiru chiefs, elders decry land grabbing in northern part of Juba

Komiru chiefs and elders have decried land grabbing in the northern part of Juba, and called upon the national government to address the...

Kiir appoints General Gregory as deputy spy chief for external bureau

President Salva Kiir on Wednesday has appointed Major Gen Gregory Deng as the new Deputy Intelligence Chief for External Bureau of the...

Aid agencies resume operations in Pibor

Aid groups in Pibor have reportedly resumed operations nearly two month after they pulled out from the area over insecurity. (more…)

VP Nyandeng says S Sudanese leaders have failed the youth

The vice president for Gender and Youth Cluster has reiterated that leaders have let down the people of South Sudan, especially the youth...

Upper Nile imposes night curfew in Malakal over insecurity

The government of Upper Nile State has imposed a night curfew in Malakal town, days after the killing of one person. (more…)

Case against Supreme Airlines to be heard without investigation results

The High Court in Juba has ordered that the case against Supreme Airlines be heard without the results of the investigation into the Pieri...

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