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Bor FMs ordered to seek talk-shows approval, UJOSS denounces move

Author: Obaj Okuj | Published: Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Aerial view of Bor town, Jonglei State. (Photo: Courtesy).

The Union of Journalists in Jonglei state has expressed concerns about the order by the state Ministry of Information banning public announcements and radio talks without its approval.

In a Ministerial order issued on 4th Nov 2023, the Director General of the Ministry urged all local radio stations and microphone announcers to seek approval before announcing any information or program for public consumption.

The ministry says it issued the directive after receiving complaints from listeners that public announcements and radio talk shows usually used one language.

The Ministry stated that the use of one language in broadcasting is against the rights of the people to have equal access to information.

“Based on the above-cited complaints, we in the Ministry, the Media Regulator in the state would like to categorically make it clear that such actions are against the rights of our people to have equal access to information,” the statement partially read.

It further said, “The unity of our people starts from equal treatment hence, I urge your esteemed institutions to work for the interest of our people by evenly feeding them with reliable information that can contribute to reducing the level of illiteracy and enhance a peaceful and prosperous coexistence among our communities.”

The State Ministry of Information didn’t indicate which language was being used for the public announcements and radio talk shows.

Responding to the directives, the state Union of Journalists says the order is unlawful and creates a chilling effect on freedom of speech, undermining the crucial role that independent media plays in holding power holders to account.

It says the decision confers control over radio stations and will impede their ability to operate independently and objectively.

UJOSS calls on the Jonglei State Ministry of Information to immediately rescind the order and uphold the principles of press freedom and freedom of expression.

They urge the government to engage in a constructive dialogue with media organizations, journalists, and other stakeholders to develop regulations that enable a free and responsible media environment.



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