Gender Analyst Nyachangkuoth Rambang Tai. (-)
A researcher and is urging different stakeholders to interpret the laws of South Sudan into local languages to help raise awareness on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV
Nyachangkuoth Rambang Tai, said translating the law into the local context will protect women and girls from gender-based violence, as communities relate to languages they understand, hence makes it easy to resist Laws that speaks to their understanding.
If translated, the activist believes that the law could be a deterrent factor by making perpetrators aware of the consequences of violating women’s rights.
Nyachangkuoth said this can also enlighten parents that the Law criminalizes child marriage.
She raised concerns about the link between early marriage and high dowry culture which perpetrates forms of GBV.
“It will take a lot of awareness raising because we have existing laws in South Sudan that protect women and girls from gender-based violence,” she told Eye Radio’s Dawn Show.
“These laws should be translated into local languages, and we should see how we can use them in the local context, especially within these societies that are well known for having deeply rooted culture of marriage with cattle.”
“Let me say this will bring a positive impact in a way that some of this recommendation can come to light only if communities accept to take the lead.”
On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, Peace and Conflict Evidence Platform released a report highlighting the economic and social implications of bride price in South Sudan.
The report, which ranked Bari, Nuer, Dinka and Murle as the highest dowry paying communities, states that these communities charge an average rate of $400 US per head of cattle.
The report is based on survey data gathered in April and May 2023 involving more than 4,400 respondents from all ten states of South Sudan and insights from qualitative interviews and focus group discussions.
Nyachangkuoth said the high dowry phenomenon creates a vacuum which could expose women and girls to gender-based violence.
“The research is also part of the need and some of the gaps that we feel that we have to unlock some of these gaps and tap into these gaps.”
“But on the other side, when it comes to gender relations and looking at issues of GBV, the same respondents and majority of these respondents also are women.”
“They also are impressed by the fact that bride price creates a vacuum and also it creates a space whereby women can experience gender-based violence and also a sense of entitlement.”
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