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Sri Lanka’s President Rajapaksa leaves Maldives for Singapore

Author: BBC | Published: Thursday, July 14, 2022

Mr Rajapaksa has left the Maldives on a Saudi airlines flight bound for Singapore/ Photo/BBC

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has left the Maldives on a Saudi airlines flight bound for Singapore, the BBC reported.

The president had fled to the Maldives a day earlier amid mass protests over Sri Lanka’s economic crisis.

It is not clear if Mr Rajapaksa will stay in Singapore or whether he will use it as a layover destination.

He had previously pledged to resign by Wednesday, but has failed to submit a formal resignation so far.

The leader, who as president enjoys immunity from prosecution, is believed to have wanted to leave Sri Lanka before stepping down to avoid the possibility of arrest by an incoming administration.

It comes as acting president Ranil Wickremesinghe on Thursday imposed a curfew for a second day. His government ordered a curfew from noon (06:30 GMT) to 05:00 Friday to quell protests.

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