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US outlines areas for judging South Sudan peace process

Author: Daniel Danis | Published: September 18, 2020

Rodney Hunter, Political Coordinator of the U.S. Mission to the UN speaks at the UN Security Council. PHOTO//US Mission to the United Nations

The United States has outlined three key areas in which it will judge progress being made in South Sudan’s peace process.

First, it says there should be an end to restrictions on UNMISS patrols and movements as a critical component of the peace architecture in South Sudan.

It demands that the leaders in South Sudan start treating UNMISS like a partner as its operations save thousands of lives.

The Trump administration also urges all parties and armed groups to adhere to cessation of hostilities or ceasefires.

It calls on parties to abide by their commitments, including a renewed commitment under the auspices of the Sant’Egidio, to end the conflict and renew expeditiously their dialogue.

This call came after the recent violence in Central Equatoria State.

In a statement to the UN Security Council during a briefing on South Sudan on Wednesday, the Political Coordinator of the U.S. Mission to the UN said there should be efforts to hold accountable those responsible for violations of international humanitarian law, and abuses of human rights.

“Mr. President [UNSC], these areas for progress are not new…We are simply asking South Sudan’s leaders to honor their own commitments,” said Rodney Hunter.

This includes, he stated, progress on implementing the Hybrid Court for South Sudan.

He stressed that corruption must also be reduced through the implementation of provisions in the Revitalized Peace Agreement on joint governance, fiscal transparency, and accountability.

The United States emphasized that the civil society institutions, the media and opposition political parties should also operate without intimidation.

“If these leaders are able to step up now, to put aside differences, and to accelerate the implementation of the peace agreement, we believe that South Sudan’s people will start to experience increased stability, security, and prosperity,” he continued.

According to Hunter, these areas for progress are not new for they reflect commitments already made by South Sudan’s leaders and endorsed by the region and the international community.

He says the United States is simply asking South Sudan’s leaders to honor their commitments.

The United States concludes that it remains committed to the people of South Sudan, and to working with the transitional government and the UN Security Council to enable peace and prosperity for the country and the region.

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