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PLE candidates who missed exams to begin on 15th February

Author: Michael Daniel | Published: February 12, 2021

Teachers speak to pupils at William Chuol Primary School in Fangak, Jonglei state in 2020. Credit|Maria de la Guardia/Finn Church Aid

The Ministry of General Education and Instruction has announced new dates for conducting primary 8 examinations for the pupils that had missed out on Monday.

“Transportation to the location will take place from Friday 12 Feb. 2021 through Sunday 14 Feb. 2021,” the ministry revealed.

This week, the ministry made a surprising declaration that nearly 1,000 candidates will miss the Primary Leaving Examinations due to access problems and security concerns in the areas.

908 pupils in seven centres –mostly in Jonglei, Upper Nile and Warrap state – missed the exams on the start date.

The areas include; Nasir with 98 candidates, Longechuk with 220 candidates, Akobo with 61 candidates, Fangak with 223 candidates, Ayod with 109 candidates, Nyiror with 141 candidates and Tonj East with 154 candidates.

These are areas with a heavy presence of the SPLA-IO forces, a former rebel group that fought the government between 2013 and 2018.

Minister Awut Deng Acuil raised concerns over the safety and security of examinations staff in these areas.

But after consultations with various stakeholders, including the First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar, the Ministry of General Education has now fixed new dates for the examinations.

“The administration of examination begins on Monday, 15 February 2021 and ends by Friday 19 February 2021,” Awut told the media Thursday afternoon.

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