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Pibor celebrates Christmas peacefully for first time in 5 years – Official

Author: Charles Wote | Published: Thursday, December 28, 2023

Pibor Administrative Area map. (File)

The local population in Greater Pibor has celebrated Christmas in a peaceful environment for the first time in five years, according to authorities there.

Last year, several people were feared dead after armed Jonglei youth overran Gumuruk town in the area.

The escalating violence started on Christmas Eve following an attack by an armed Jonglei State youth group on the Bich-Bich area in Greater Pibor.

The Deputy Chief Administrator, John Abula describes this year’s Christmas in the area as peaceful citing there was no report of gunshot or incident registered compared to previous years.

Abula also appreciated authorities of Jonglei State for beefing up security and convincing their youth to maintain peace during the festive season.

“Those other years Christmas has been always with gun sound; people celebrate by slaughtering themselves, youth from the other side used to come and attack the area. Those are the things that used to happen,” Abula said.

“This year is very peaceful and everybody is enjoying, thank God we reached this Christmas peacefully,” he said.

“We also want to appreciate and congratulate our counterparts, the neighbours who convince or maintain security situations in their areas to prevent their youth not to again coming and attacking our areas.”

Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Ibba County in Western Equatoria State has also reported a peaceful Christmas celebration this year.

Until mid of this year, the county was affected by the presence of nomadic pastoralists commonly known as Ambororo which destroyed the livelihood in the area.

More than five civilians were killed and others were displaced before the Ambororo were forcefully removed from the area.

Speaking to Eye Radio on Wednesday, Ibba County Commissioner Elisama Charles Babua says the local communities in his county celebrated Christmas in a peaceful environment.

“We celebrated Christmas peacefully up to today and after Christmas people are all peaceful. There is no inconvenience among the people and before Christmas,” said Commission Charles.

we deployed our forces since the 22nd to protect people whereby people attended Christmas peacefully up to now the county is peaceful,” he said.  

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