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Why bus drivers avoided Torit-Kapoeta road

Author : | Published: Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Drivers’ Union in Namurnyang State has suspended transport on the Torit-Kapoeta road over security concerns.

There have been reports of attacks on vehicles plying the road in the past few last weeks.

The Chairperson of the Union, Kamal Al Nile, says two people were killed and seven wounded in attacks on the highway this week.

He says the union has decided to suspend transportation until there is a guarantee of security on the road.

“There is no security on the road. You can risk taking passengers, but then they can be hurt or killed. No any vehicle will move from here anymore,” Mr Nile said.

Mr. Kamal appealed to the local people to give them time to discuss with the governments of Imatong and Namurnyang on ensuring safety on the road.

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