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Warrap banishes local reporter working for UN radio

Author: Okot Emmanuel | Published: Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Journalist Manyang Mayom works for Radio Miraya | Credit | Courtesy

The governor of Warrap State has expelled a local journalist working for UN radio from the state over his reporting on the area.

In a letter seen by Eye Radio, Governor Aleu Ayieny says Manyang Mayom was involved in activities that threaten peace and stability in the state.

“This letter serves to inform your institution that one of your personnel particularly Manyang Mayom is considered to be participating in activities that jeopardize peace and stability in Warrap State,” Aleu writes to UNMISS field office in Kuajok.

“And as such, he is given only seventy-two hours to leave Warrap State.”

The governor did not, however, state what activities the journalist was involved in to warrant claims of anti-peace practices.

But there has been reports of increased intercommunal conflict in the state, especially Tonj areas where 16 people were killed recently.

A similar fighting reportedly left 35 people dead and 80 others injured in parts of Tonj East and Tonj North last month.

In August, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan said 42 people had been executed in Lakes and Warrap states without fair judicial trials.

Citing eyewitness accounts, Manyang’s employer UNMISS reported that some of the victims were taken to remote areas, tied on trees, and shot by firing squad – 14 of whom were executed in Warrap State under Governor Aleu Ayieny.

In response, Ring Deng, state minister of information, described the report as unfounded.

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