Devastating floods submerged parts of South Sudan between 2019 and 2024 leading to displacement and loss of livelihood. (-)
The Ministry of Water Resource and Irrigation has called for preparations against an imminent flooding in the northern and central parts of South Sudan after the water of Lake Victoria rise to a record level.
Minister Pal Mai Deng said data from the IGAD climate center and the hydrometric stations in the country show increased water level in Lake Victoria.
He said the current rainy season in the Greater Lakes region indicates potential increase in volumes of water in rivers and lakes in Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and DRC.
He underscored that all the rivers and lakes in question are tributaries of Lakes Victoria, which flows downstream to South Sudan.
Mai also mentioned that the torrential rainfalls affecting Nile Basin countries have contributed to the rising water levels.
Citing meteorological data, the minister stated that the waters of Lake Victoria have risen by 13.60 meters – the highest ever recorded peak in 128 years.
The official also reveals that Uganda is releasing 2,400 cubic meters of water per second, which will take three months to reach South Sudan through the Nile.
Mai said the data suggests that a catastrophic flooding will affect Unity State, Upper Nile, Lakes and Warrap between October and December.
“This is an emergency situation that needs immediate response, preparedness and action to mitigate and curve the impact on the vulnerable communities,” he said.
Minister Mai and his team of experts held a press conference on Thursday to update the public about the looming situation.
The briefing was attended by representatives from relevant ministries, humanitarian actors, developmental partners, academia, and civil society organizations.
According to him, the upcoming flooding is expected to cause displacement, outbreak of diseases, flooding of farmlands and crop failure, potential famine and starvation.
Other measures the ministry recommended include clearing and improvement of water drainage infrastructures, and civic education on seasonal forecasts through several channels including local radios.
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