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S. Sudan joins African Telecommunications Union

Author: Charles Wote | Published: Friday, September 10, 2021

African Telecommunications Union Logo

South Sudan has officially become the 49th member of the African Telecommunications Union.

The union provides a forum for stakeholders involved in ICT to formulate effective policies and strategies to improve access to information infrastructure and services.

South Sudan inclusion in the union will help it accelerate the provision of a sustainable social, economic, and environmental development.

In a statement issued yesterday, the African Telecommunications Union said the platform is also important for South Sudan to exchange information, expertise and technology relating to info-communications with the continent.

South Sudan is expected to front a stronger position in rolling out initiatives to integrate regional markets, implement ICT projects, attract investment into ICT infrastructure and build institutional and human capacity.

The African Telecommunications Union was founded in 1977 as a specialized agency of the African Union.

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