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Lokiliri chief warns of looming conflict over cattle influx

Author: Elshiekh Chol Ajeing | Published: November 26, 2024

Herd of cattle seen in the photo moving in Juba city - Credit: Eye Radio/Koang Pal Chang - Oct. 7, 2018

A traditional leader in Lokiliri Payam of Juba County is reiterating his appeal for government intervention into what he calls a looming crisis caused by the influx of cattle herders in farming areas.

This is the third time Kastori Modi, the Chief of Ngerjebe in Lokiliri Payam has raised such concern about a possible inter-communal conflict.

He notified the local authorities about the roaming livestock, grazing on farms during the harvest season as early as September and repeated the concerns on November 11.

Chief Modi said the grazing of cattle in farms will lead to crops damage and risk escalating to deadly conflict, similar to a 2022 incident which led to the killing of 10 farmers by herders.

Mr. Modi stated that the matter has not been resolved and the local law enforcement officers say they have not been given orders to intervene in the matter.

“I have spoken to the commander in the area, but he says they have not been given an orders to allow them to talk with cattle keepers or to intervene and do something regarding to that,” the chief told Eye Radio.

“So on my own capacity, I decided to go to the media so that media can play a role to send our voice to government so that they can respond to the matter.”

According to the traditional leader, the cattle are arriving from Bor in Jonglei State and Terekeka County in Central Equatoria State.

He said the herds are currently stationed at the Nesitu ahead of Gumbo Sherikat in Juba.

“These cattle are now stationed in Jubkui Boma of Nesitu Payam. I said last time the cattle come from Juba through the old and new bridges and the Juba-Bor road.”

“All this cattle are from Bor and Terekeka, all the crops are still premature, peanut is still underground, so if this cattle arrive this will cost security challenge which may lead to the loss of lives.”

In recent years, incidents of conflict have been reported between farmers and cattle keepers in Juba County of Central Equatoria state

In 2023, former Governor Emmanuel Adil Anthony dispatched a team of ministers and security personnel to cattle camps in Kajo Keji, Morobo, Yei, and Lainya counties to persuade pastoralists from Bor in Jonglei State to return home with their cattle.




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