Marking of 2021 PLE, secondary schools exams kicks off

Over 500 teachers have started marking the 2021 primary and secondary school examinations on Monday, the Ministry of General Education and Instruction has announced.

The Primary Leaving and Senior 4 exams were conducted in February and April this year respectively.

More than 50 thousand children sat for the PLE, while over 30,000 partook in the secondary final exams countrywide.

The marking of answer scripts was supposed to start in late February and conclude in March.

But the ministry could not hire markers, citing delayed acquisition of resources from the ministry of finance.

However, the institution says the cash is now made available for marking of the papers. But it did not disclose how much has been remitted to its account

“Today [Monday] we began the marking. We have assembled a team of over five hundred teachers to process the results after which we will call back the control to do the recording and that will be followed by the adjudication of marks.”

General Simon Nyok, the Secretary of the National Examinations Council Secretary said, the body expects to complete the exercise within six weeks.

“Under normal circumstances, it will take about four to six weeks to run through these stages, but as we are under pressure, we must do the best to work. So, expect the results in four to six weeks”.

Recently, some parents had complained that their children were rejected at schools in and outside the country because they could not produce the result slips.

“So, we are moving very fast. We are also going to engage several teachers to begin the other processes of secondary school scripts so that by the time we are done with these of primary schools, we will have embarked on the marking of secondary school exams,” Nyok assured students and their parents.

–      MOYO


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