You are here: Home | Education | Governance | News | 15 years on, Juba’s Lokiliri area still lacks govt-built secondary schools
A village in Lokiliri situated along Juba-Nimule Highway|Coustry
Community leaders in Nger-jebe and Kubi Bomas of Juba County’s Loki-liri Payam in Central Equatoria State say the areas lack secondary schools, depriving many pupils from completing their education.
Biastori Modi says the community raised funds and managed to build 3 primary schools in the area, and is facilitating the payment of teachers, volunteers and other staffs of the schools.
He said since 2010, the locals have been paying teachers working in the community-built learning institutions.
Modi adds that the community annually contributes money for the operation of the schools.
“Since 2010 we have been the one paying the teachers, there were no government teachers broughtJuba to us. We bring the youths and volunteers from Juba plus those here in the area to teach.”
He is however calling on both the Central Equatoria and national governments to construct a secondary school in Loki-liri Payam to improve education in the area.
“The community-built schools are three and there is one government school in Lokiliri, but the three schools were built by the community.”
Chief Modi went on to say after pupils in the area complete primary education, some of them are sent to Juba for secondary education, citing many families could not afford.
“We want the government to build for us even if one secondary school in Lokiliri. In my Boma currently, I am paying 7 teachers, cooks and the gate man, they are about 10 people.”
For his part, a Community leader in Kubi Boma of Loki-liri Payam, James Okollo lamented the same challenge of lack of secondary schools in the area.
“We started the community schools in 2010 and until today there are no schools built by the government. The community are the ones paying the teachers, and sometimes when there is no money, teaching stops.
According to him, it is challenging to send children to study outside the Payam.
“Sometimes we send a child to school in Juba but there is no money and schools in Juba are expensive – plus the food and other needs.”
Similar situation was reported in Garbo Boma of Juba County where the community mobilized resources to build a community school to improve access to education in the area.
In in February 2017, when Augustine Jadalla Wani was the Governor of defunct Jubek State, he had directed community leaders in Lokiliri County to identify potential youth in the area to be trained as school teachers.
Mr. Wani said it was cheaper to have teachers from within the area because their demands would be less expensive.
At the time, the Governor was addressing the inhabitants of Lokiliri during the laying down of a foundation stone at the County’s Headquarters.
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