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Spirited Lakes-Jonglei wrestling derby ends in 5-5 draw

Author: Chany Ninrew | Published: September 2, 2024

Wrestlers take aim at each other during Jonglei-Lakes derby. (Photo: Lakes Governor's office/Facebook).

A thrilling wrestling competition between Lakes and Jonglei ended in a 5-5 draw, as the sport event held in Yirol East County on the weekend gathered tens of thousands of people including senior officials from the two states.

The competition, contested between Yirol East and Bor counties in Nyang town, was attended by Lakes Governor Rin Tueny Mabor and Jonglei Deputy governor Atong Kuol Manyang.

About 38 wrestlers from both sides competed in 17 rounds – out of which seven rounds ended in a draws, while each side earned five wins and five defeats.

Jonglei Deputy Governor Atong Kuol commended the leadership and people of Lakes State for their warm hospitality, according to a statement from the office of Governor Mabor.

She hails wrestling as a sport that unites people, and underscored that the match will further strengthen the already strong bond between Lakes and Jonglei.

Governor Mabor, who is said to have been a wrestling champion during his youthful days, said wrestling is a sport that the people of Lakes and Jonglei States participate in for “pride and distinction.”

Wrestling is a sport where two individuals engage or grapple with the aim of throwing or holding their opponent’s shoulders to the ground during the match.

It is not only a cherished cultural activity but a popular sport among the pastoral communities such as the Dinka and Mundari people in South Sudan.

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