Makuei throws out covidiotic reporters from a press briefing

The minister of information sent some journalists out of a press conference he addressed at his office on Tuesday for not wearing face masks.

Members of different media houses were invited to attend the presser organized by Michael Makuei Lueth in his office.

Before starting the presser, Makuei told about five journalists not wearing face masks to leave the meeting room.

“Put on your masks or go out. You behind there. You there also,” he said, referring to the five reporters, whose names have been withheld.

Makuei is one of many government officials who contracted coronavirus last year.

Face masks and other measures are recommended by the World Health Organization as a preventive measure against coronavirus disease.

WHO says masks help prevent respiratory droplets from reaching others.

But according to the South Sudan Doctor’s Union, many people in Juba and other parts of South Sudan appear to have relaxed following preventive measures.

As of Monday, South Sudan had recorded 3,762 Covid-19 cases with 64 deaths.

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